Who am I, what I’m doing?

I’m Peter Kostov, a passionate engineer working in the telecommunications industry, designing, configuring and maintaining mission-critical IP networks. From time to time I’m also required to build some specific software solutions.

Key areas of professional work:

  • Mission critical, high-availabiliy IP routing and Ethernet switching
  • Firewalls and network security
  • Technical project supervision
  • Virtualisation
  • Programming in C, C++, C#, Javascript, Perl, SQL

It could be, that all those topics are still not enough. Then, if the family already sleeps and I have some remaining power for the last hours of the day, it might be that I

  • Play with real electronics hardware, soldering some parts together in order to finally have another fancy DIY gadget at home
  • Build some new software tools which I will publish here from time to time
  • Create new software for my AVR controller projects

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